Friday, August 27, 2010

Blessings - cuatro dias

If you don't already read my Mom's blog - you should.. she's a wonderful writer and wise beyond wise {though please don't tell her I admitted this, she'll think I've grown up or something}! She recently started listing 1000 Blessings and I love it so much I wanted to do it too. Now, it might take me a lot longer than her because she's a much more consistent blogger than I am - but I know reading her list/writing my list makes me feel good and reminds me of all the wonderful things in my world. If you join us, please let me know so I can read yours too!

85. Bifocals

84. Fresh bread

83. Backpacks

82. Friday nights at home

81. Blistex

80. Puff’s Plus

79. Sharon Jones {ISA instructor who is kind and patient with our kids with difficulties}

78. Pretty gift bags

77. Febreeze

76. Bath and Body lotions

75. Lamps

74. My Bluetooth earpiece

73. Sharing the joy of the first day of school with both students and teachers

72. Rain

71. Online shopping

70. Jordan – she has the most compassionate soul

69. Craft stores

68. Friends that pray for/with you even if your requests might seem trivial

67. Summer

66. Rotisserie chicken from Sam’s

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